With Xemplo Training, you can manage your entire compliance training program for your workforce automatically. Setup a library of courses, assign these to one or more roles in your business, and Xemplo Training does the rest. Courses are automatically assigned to a worker at the right stage of the worker lifecycle (for example, during Onboarding). All training activity is tracked, with alerts and notifications to the worker and required stakeholders until an activity is successfully completed.
To get started with Xemplo Training, you need to:
- Create your course library
- Assign courses to roles
- Enrol workers in courses manually (if required)
- Track worker training activity
- Download training transcript data - for workers or HR
Once a training activity has been assigned to a worker, they'll be able to complete it online via Xemplo. Find out more about the completing course activity as a worker here.
1. Create your course library
The foundation of Xemplo Training is your Course Library. Your course library contains courses (e-Learning materials) that can be created using the Course Builder in Xemplo, imported from an external source, or selected from our library of courses offered in Xemplo Expert.
Find out more about:
- Building a course using the Xemplo Course Builder.
- Importing an externally authored e-Learning course (for example, a SCORM course).
- Using courses from the Xemplo Expert course library.
When building your own courses, you can save these in draft until you're ready to start using these. You can also update some course information and archive courses you don't need anymore. Find out more about managing your course library.
2. Assign courses to roles
Once you've created a course, you can start assigning it to positions in your business. Once a course is assigned to a position, any workers employed in that position will be enrolled into the course automatically on commencement.
Find out more about assigning courses to positions here.
3. Enrol workers in courses manually (if required)
When required, you can also manually enrol workers in a course to meet specific training or compliance requirements. You can enrol a worker in a course from the Training menu, or from a Worker's individual profile.
It doesn't matter if a worker is automatically enrolled in a course by Xemplo, or manually added to a course by a Xemplo user. You can still track progress and activity for all workers and courses in the same way.
Find out more about enrolling a worker in a course here.
4. Track worker training activity
Once a worker is enrolled in a course, you can track their activity via the HR > Training menu.
Xemplo will also send a notification to a worker to let them know they're enrolled in a course, along with automated reminders at scheduled intervals until the course is completed. If a course has a due date, the worker will receive automated alerts at schedule intervals until completion.
A Team Manager can see all training activity assigned to their team from their Home Page. When a worker fails to complete a course before the course due date, their Manager will see an additional Home page alert and receive automated notifications about the training activity until the worker has completed it.
An HR Manager can view all ongoing training activity for the entire workforce from their Home Page on the Training summary. From the Training summary, an HR Manager can go directly to the HR > Training menu to view all training activity, with the ability to filter results by worker, course type, and course status.
5. Download Training Report
Xemplo users (e.g., workers, HR, Company Admin) can download a training transcript report listing all training activities that meet the required criteria.
All Administrators have the capability to download filtered training reports for an individual worker or a group of workers. These reports can be filtered based on course name or status, such as all overdue courses or all courses completed successfully.
Step 1: Click HR > Training > select the worker or a group of workers > click Download Report
Step 2: Choose the report type > click Download Report
Workers have the option to download a transcript detailing all training activities completed within Xemplo through the web portal's Training menu.
Step 1: Click Training > select the course name/s > click Download Report
Step 2: Select Worker Transcript Report > choose the report type > click Download Report