Create a New Onboard by clicking the "Create" button in the Onboarding section.
Worker Type
Attach a worker to the onboard, either a 'New Worker' or an 'Existing Worker'.
New Worker
This allows for the onboarding to be sent to workers who do not have a profile in the system.
Below are the minimum details required to continue with the onboarding. The additional worker details can then be entered by the 'Onboarding Approver' or by the 'Worker' themselves during the on-boarding experience.
Start Date - The date when the worker started with this particular employing entity (and may need to reflect a historical date from previous engagements). This may be different to the 'commencement date' for this contract/engagement. Typically the start date is used for historical HR and payroll specific reporting/interpretation for 'length of service' based legislation etc.
Mobile & Email - Ensure these are 100% correct as these are used for the 2-Factor Authentication that Xemplo uses to validate the onboarding submission (for security & privacy)
Manager - is generally the direct line manager of the worker. This manager will be used for hierarchy based reporting and settings such as leave approvals. Note that the approving manager for the onboard/contract may be different from this manager and selected during the next onboarding build step.
Existing Worker
This allows the selection of a worker profile that already exists in the system.
Note that you cannot select a worker that has an un-finalised onboarding currently in progress. In this case, you can either:
Cancel the Existing Onboard and continue with the new onboard, or,
Edit the Onboard if the changes are small and suitable to prevent a duplicate build.
Select or search for an existing position for this worker’s onboarding.
If an existing position cannot be selected (appears greyed out), you may need to view the position and check that the employment and contract types for the position match what you have filtered for during this onboarding set up.
If an appropriate position does not exist, you can add a new position.
Employment Contract
Select the employment contract relevant to the worker's engagement.
Preview the document to see the description and example text/inclusions within that contract.
Tip: If you cannot see any contracts, make sure you have added a contract to the selected Position.
Click ‘Configure Contract’
This onboard will now exist as a Draft until the Onboarding Details have been completed and the onboard has been sent to the worker. The Onboarding Details can be completed at a later date and by the approving manager.
Onboarding Details
After creating a new onboarding, you can then follow through the steps and fill out the HR and Payroll details for the worker.
You will be prompted to fill in any compulsory items that are needed here, with some optional fields (some of which may also be presented to workers for completion).
These steps contain:
Worker Details - General worker personal details, the worker will also be prompted to complete these in case you don’t have them all.
Onboarding Details
Contract signing manager - Select the user that will be responsible for signing the contract and reviewing & releasing the Onboard to the worker.
A user needs to be added as a manager in company settings before they can be selected as a Signing Manager.
Commencement date - Date used to indicate the commencement date of this particular contract. Note this may be different to the 'start date' indicated during the worker setup.
Contract Specific - fields which are 'hard coded' into the Xemplo marketplace contracts, such as Award, Classification etc. These steps/questions cannot be edited or changed. Contact Customer Support if you need further help with these.
Custom Documents/Contracts steps from a custom build using the Document Builder tool within Xemplo.
See the on-screen guiding material for each step if you aren't sure about the input requirements.
Once you have completed all of the necessary steps you can click 'Continue onboarding'.
Xemplo will then issue the onboarding package to the relevant manager for approval. If you are the 'manager for contract sign', you will be prompted with the below option.
If you are not the signing manager, you will be prompted with the below message. The assigned signing manager will receive an email notification.
The signing manager can proceed to the next step and Review and Release the Onboard.