If you have a complex arrangement of payment or charging conditions that need standardisation, rate templates can help. By setting up a rate template once, you can use it repeatedly for consistency and efficiency. You can create multiple templates to accommodate various arrangements as needed.
An example of using a rate template is when you need to set up rules for processing payments and charges for overtime, shifts, weekend work, allowances, etc. This allows you to standardize how these are managed.
Please note that for integrations with ATS, you can use rate templates alongside an ATS integration and directly within Xemplo. This eliminates the need to set up specific rules and pay schedules each time you create a new assignment.
This applies to users with administrator access who can set up rate templates.
Important reminder: You must have the following items configured before setting up a rate template.
Companies - Company Details
Payroll Integration - Xemplo Integrations
You can view and create rate templates for your company by navigating to:
Timesheets → Rate templates → New Rate Template