This article guides you through how to set up or edit details for a Company. These details will appear to your company's Xemplo users and can also be inserted automatically into HR documents, letters, payroll and more.
Please Note: Only users with Company Administrator access can alter company details. |
From this page, you can update the following details:
- Company Details - the company's name registration information.
- Contact Details - the company's contact information.
Company Settings - the Xemplo features in use for this company.
Please note: Company Settings can only be updated by a System Administrator. - Company Contacts - the key contacts for specific business functions in the company. These values are used for documents and email alerts.
- Departments - the departments of the company. These values are used when grouping worker records or assigning Team Managers responsible for entire departments of workers.
- Sites - the sites of the company. These values are displayed in worker contracts and assignments. Where a KeyPay integration is in place, these values will be automatically populated from KeyPay.
- Company Defaults - the default currency, timezone, date format and default superannuation fund to use for the company. You can also specify the company's default business hours here.
To access company details, go to the Settings > Company Details screen.
Company details - Company Name & Registration
Click the 'Edit' button in the Company details, update the information as needed, and then click 'Save'.
Items to consider:
If you have more then one Registered Business Name/Number/Entity, you will need to set up multiple company accounts to reflect the individual businesses.
Contact Details
In this section, you have the ability to edit your company's primary business address and postal address.
Company Settings
From this section, you have the ability to enable other functionalities.
Departments can be used for:
Payroll categories
Departmental budgets & statistics
Inclusion in contracts, letters and other documents
To add a department, click on the '+' button in Departments
Enter the details and click 'Save'
Click on an existing department to change the details.
Click on "-" to remove it.
Sites usually represent a physical address where the company has workers.
Sites can be used for:
Payroll categories
Departmental budgets & statistics
Site-specific inductions
Inclusion in contracts, letters and other documents
Please Note: Sites can be imported or integrated with the 'Location' within KeyPay Payroll.
To add a new site, click on the '+' button in Sites.
Enter a Site Name and Address and click 'Save'.
Click on an existing Site name to change the details.
Click on "-" to remove it.
Company Defaults
In this section, you can configure settings for Currency, Date format, Timezone, and Default super fund. You can also specify the default business hours for the company.
Default currency, timezone and Superannuation Fund
Business Hours
In this section, you can specify your business hours and public holidays.
Company Contacts
In this section, you can enter contact details for your Human Resources, IT, Health & Safety, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and Payroll which can then be used in merge documents or letters sent to your workforce.
Payroll contact name & email is also used for notification purposes during the completion of an onboard process. If you want your payroll contact to have access to the system, please see Managers.