As a manager, you can create tasks for your team.
Click on HR, then Tasks on the left-hand menu to access the Tasks dashboard where you will be able to view the status and information of all tasks.
Creating Tasks
To create a task, click on ‘New Task’ on the top right. You will be prompted by the below pop-up screen.
Creating one-off Task
Fill in all details and click on ‘Save’. The employee this task has been assigned to will receive a notification.
Creating Tasks from Task Templates
If you have a task or a set of tasks that reoccur, you can use a template to automate task creation.
Please Note: Only users with access to your Company Settings can add Task Templates.
To Create tasks from a template, click on 'Start Task from template', and fill in the all details and click on ‘Save’.
Edit or Cancel a Task
You can edit or cancel tasks that have a pending status.
Click on a task in the list to view it, and you can select edit or cancel as needed.