Onboarding Statuses let you quickly identify which onboarding steps have been completed by the worker.
You can view or edit onboards from within these sections should you need to.
The different types of onboarding status are shown under the search options on the Onboarding page. You can filter by status by clicking on the status name.
Please Note: You will not see all status groups unless there is an onboard with that status.
Status Options
Draft: The onboard details have yet to be finalised and released to the Signing Manager for their review & approval.
Pending Signing: The Signing Manager has been sent the onboard to review, sign the contract & release to the worker.
Sent to Worker: The onboard invitation email has been sent to the worker, however, the acceptance of the offer has not yet been completed.
- Offer Accepted: The worker has activated their link in the email template and the has signed their employment contract, 'accepted' the offer.
Declined: The worker has reviewed and declined the offer.
In Progress: The onboard invite has been accepted and the worker has access to the onboarding material provided.
- Background Check: The worker has submitted their VEVO check and this has been pushed back to the HR manager to review, the employee cannot proceed with the onboarding until the review is complete.
HR to review: The onboard has been submitted by the worker for review by HR, to be either:
Marked Completed
Market Incomplete: which will change the onboard status back to In Progress
Cancelled: The onboard has been cancelled. This can occur at any stage before it reaches completed. Cancelled onboards cannot be reactivated, please create a new onboard.
Completed: The onboard has been completed in full, no more action is needed.
Please see the onboarding worker experience to understand the requirements of each phase from a worker perspective, should they be needing assistance.
You can download an Onboarding Report from the Onboarding Homepage. The report allows you to review onboardings in bulk and share with 3rd-parties as a status report.