A required component of the onboarding flow is for a company HR representative to review the details submitted by the worker, checking for any errors or irregularities. The onboarding information needs to be checked and corrected before the approval when the information is integrated into the worker’s profile and related systems such as payroll.
Example Email Received:
You can also access and review onboards in Xemplo by going to :
Onboarding → filter by "HR to review"
While reviewing the onboard, you can:
- Check each step in the list individually and use the 'Status Review' box at the bottom of the screen to mark each step as either:
- Incomplete - the step needs input from the worker who will receive an email notification.
- Complete.
- Use the Edit button to make any changes available to you as approving manager.
- Click the 'Approve All' button in the steps list if all onboarding information is accurate and you wish to proceed to approval.
Please Note: You may see some steps are already marked as complete. These are typically documents or courses whose requirements can be automatically validated within the system (e.g Sign-off or Exam completion).
After approving all steps of the onboard, you can finalise the onboard.
The onboard can now be found with the 'Completed' onboards or in the worker's profile.