Welcome to your Xemplo release update! We’re excited to introduce a range of enhancements in our latest release (3.12) that are designed to streamline the way you use Xemplo and extend existing feature capabilities.
In the release our evolution of key screens continues with 3 additional areas of the platform updated. Our on costs feature has been given a significant update with the introduction of 2 new functions. Specifically for Xero users, we are introducing the ability for the paid status of invoices to be synced automatically to Xemplo. Along with a number of additional updates, 3.12 is certainly jam packed.
More redesigned screens to improve your user experience
Following on from the success of our previous release, which improved screens for Assignments and Engagements, we are now doing the same for Invoices, RCTIs and Purchase Orders. Our continued aim with these updates is to optimise the display of relevant information and access to key functions without having to excessively search around screens.
New Invoice Design
New RCTI Design
New Purchase Orders Design
If you have any feedback or suggestions in relation to these changes we invite you to please reach out to our support team. Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.
Advanced On cost Capabilities
We have received a lot of feedback about on costs and, in particular, the desire to customise the way that on costs are calculated. We have found that there are varying requirements when it comes to what should be included or excluded from the base rate of the on cost. In some instances, for example, there is a need to include elements such as Superannuation and Payroll Tax before the on cost is calculated. The ability to make these complex customisations to on costs from within Xemplo, results in an accurate on cost report, without the burden of having to export to excel for further alterations.
Introducing Advanced On costs
In this update we are releasing a new feature called Advanced On costs. At its core, this feature allows you to build a calculation formula that fits your specific on cost requirements. With advanced on costs you have the ability to create a formula that includes a number of key variables:
The total pay or charge rate
Specific pay categories
Allowance totals
Expense claim totals
Other on cost values
Formulas are built using a formula builder similar to Excel, with elements inserted dynamically via a simple dropdown menu:
We are really excited about this feature and the flexibility it provides to clients. If this is a feature that’s of benefit to your company we’d love to get your feedback.
Include on costs in invoices
In 3.12 we are also introducing the ability for on costs to be included in Agency to Host invoices. This is specifically designed for agencies who wish to recover on costs as part of their billing methodology. Including elements such as payroll tax, superannuation or an admin fee allows for transparent invoicing with the client when assignments are salary-based.
The ability to include on costs on invoices is configurable when creating or editing an on cost:
Sync the paid status of invoices from Xero
For users of Xero we have something particularly special to launch in 3.12. Until now, the management of the paid status of an invoice is something that needed to be managed in Xero and Xemplo separately. Typically, accounts would be reconciled in Xero before invoices were then manually marked as paid in Xemplo. Because of this manual workflow, Xemplo users typically opted to not use our paid invoice functionality as it required double the time to reconcile accounts.
In 3.12 we have the ability for the paid status of invoices to be synced to Xemplo automatically. Once activated, when an invoice is reconciled in your Xero account it will be marked as paid in Xemplo and the paid date recorded. This means that invoice reports and margin reports in Xemplo will now have a true invoice paid status and date, without the double data entry.
More enhancements and updates
Timezone enhancements
Previously, all dates and times shown in Time to Bill used the standard UTC timezone by default. In 3.12, dates and times will now automatically adjusted to the timezone set in an individual’s user profile.
For MYOB users - IC locking
For MYOB users we have introduced an additional step that’s required when editing the details of an IC worker. This is specifically available when workers have already been exported to MYOB. Before the business name or ABN can be edited in Xemplo you must first unlock the IC. This ensures that the IC is disconnected from the supplier record in MYOB and re-exported correctly the next time an RCTI is exported. This helps to eliminate the common scenario whereby an IC remains incorrectly linked to an old supplier record:
Manual pay categories
The ability to add, edit and delete pay categories is now disabled if you have an active integration with a payroll system. This measure has been introduced to ensure integrity between pay categories between the two connected systems.
Updated assignment date handling
We had a number of instances where the changing of an assignment start / end date or the disabling of an assignment was leaving redundant timesheets in the system, causing downstream issues when it came time to process timesheets. We’ve listened to your feedback and in 3.12 we have introduced a number of measures to counteract this problem:
When a start date is moved to a future date, any timesheets between the original start date and new start date will need to be cancelled or verified before the date can be changed.
Similarly, if an end date is moved to an earlier date, any timesheets between the original end date and new end date will need to be cancelled or verified before the date can be changed.
If disabling an assignment, any timesheets that are not cancelled or verified will need to be changed to either of these statuses before the assignment can be disabled.
Xero employee ID - now available in the worker record
Users of the Xero Payroll integration can now see the Xero employee ID in the worker profile screen. Featuring the ID on this screen makes it easy to identify workers by their employee ID if required.
What’s next?
We hope that the updates in 3.12 further enhance the way that you use Xemplo and we look forward to announcing more exciting features in our next release. If you have any feedback or suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.