Australian Xemplo customers can optionally activate the Xemplo VEVO Checking service which will check a worker's eligibility to work in Australia using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service offered by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
VEVO Checking involves securely sending a limited amount of personal information for a worker to the DHA to establish the worker's legal rights to work. The DHA will securely return Work Rights information for a requested Worker to Xemplo for HR to review and action.
Xemplo completes VEVO Checks in two ways:
- During the Onboarding process - if you've turned VEVO Checking on for a specific position, workers onboarding to the position will need to supply their work rights during Onboarding. Once supplied, Xemplo will automatically trigger a VEVO Check.
- Automatically every 7 days - Xemplo will automatically trigger a VEVO Check for any active worker every 7 days. If you are using Xemplo Time to Bill, the worker must also have an active assignment.
VEVO Checks during Onboarding
Where an Onboarding requires the worker to complete a VEVO check, the worker will need to consent to the check to continue the Onboarding process. If they do not consent to the VEVO check, Xemplo will you an alert to review and take further action.
On consent and supply of requested information needed to complete the VEVO check, Xemplo will complete the check and advise of the outcome of the check via email and the worker's profile.
The worker will not be able to complete their Onboarding until the VEVO Check has been completed. If the VEVO Check cannot be completed or the check has indicated that a worker is not eligible to work in Australia, you will receive an email notification to review their information and take further action.
Reviewing VEVO Check Information
Once a VEVO Check is complete, you can view the results of the check in a Worker's profile in the Credentials > Work Rights section.
Where a worker has successfully completed a VEVO Check indicating that they are eligible to work in Australia, you will also see a green visual indicator in their Work Rights history and in the summary section of their worker profile.
Warnings and alerts for unsuccessful VEVO Checks
Where a worker has not successfully completed a VEVO Check or the check has indicated that a worker is not eligible to work in Australia:
- You will receive an automated email advising that a VEVO Check requires further review.
- You will also see a red visual indicator in the summary section of the worker profile for any worker who has not completed a check successfully.
Automated VEVO Checks
For all Australian companies, Xemplo will automatically trigger a VEVO Check for any active worker every 7 days. If you are using Xemplo Time to Bill, VEVO Checks will only be triggered for active workers who also have an active assignment.