Use Pay Rates if you have a registered agreement in place that sets out the minimum employment conditions. Pay Rates is an alternative setup instead of using Industry Awards rates when creating contracts for workers covered by an Enterprise Agreement.
This guide will cover, accessing, creating, editing a single or multiple Pay Rates, and deleting rates in Xemplo.
Access Pay Rates in Xemplo
Step 1. Log in to your company in Xemplo as an Administrator.
Step 2. Click the Settings icon in the upper-left corner.
Step 3. And click Pay rates.
Step 4. By default the page will be empty, click the New Pay Rate button to add a new one.
Create a New Pay Rate
Step 1. Click New Pay Rate button.
Step 2. Enter a Name for the new Pay Rate and click +New Classification.
Step 3. Enter the classification details:
- Name
- Rate Chart
Add more Classification to the new Pay Rate by clicking + New Classification and redo the steps again.
Step 4. Click Save when done.
Edit a Pay Rate
Step 1. Access Pay Rate dashboard.
Step 2. Click the corresponding Edit button on the rate you want to edit.
Step 3. Edit the following details of the Pay Rate and click Save when done.
Adjust Rates in Bulk
In the Pay Rate details, if you want to adjust and match all the rates in a specific type (i.e., Full-Time, Part-Time, Casual, Labour), follow the steps below.
Step 1. When editing the Pay Rates details, click the Adjust Rates button.
Step 2. A pop-up window will appear. Select the classification type you want the adjustment to apply. And enter the new pay rates.
Example: To increase all full-time hourly rates by 10% enter the following parameters:
Please take note of the old pay rates highlighted, before the bulk adjustments in the screenshot above.
Step 3. Click Apply when done. Xemplo will apply all adjustments to pay rates to selected criteria.
Step 4. Click Save when done.
Delete a Pay Rate
Step 1. Click Edit to the Pay Rate you want to manage.
Step 2. Click Delete.
Step 3. A pop-up window will appear and confirm the action, click Yes.