When creating or editing a position, you can specify which credentials a worker in this position should have. When a new or existing worker is onboarded into this position, Xemplo will automatically send requests to the worker to supply details of their credentials and supporting evidence, if they have not previously supplied these details.
Viewing credentials assigned to a position
To view the credentials assigned to a specific position:
- From the Positions Directory, select the required position, and then select the Edit option.
- On the General tab of the Position screen, the Credentials section shows all credentials assigned to the position.
For each credential:
- If a credential has been assigned to all positions from company settings, it will appear in the list with a default icon ().
- Where it is optional for a worker to provide a credential, it will appear in the list with an 'Optional' badge.
Assigning credentials to one or more positions
Credentials can be assigned to positions in two ways - in bulk from Company Settings, or to each position one-by-one from the Positions Library.
Assigning credentials to all positions from Company Settings
The types of credentials your company requires and tracks for workers are added to the Credentials library in Company Settings. When you add or edit a credential, you can specify if you would like the credential to be automatically added to all positions in your company by default.
Where a credential is assigned to all positions in a company, all workers in every role will need to supply evidence of completing this credential. Find out more about managing your credentials library here.
Assigning a credential to an individual position
There are some credentials that are only required for specific roles or work types. These credentials can be added to each individual position as required.
To assign a credential to a selected position:
- In the credentials section of a Position record, select the New button ('+').
- You will be presented with a list of all available credentials for this position. Available credentials will include those in your company credentials library, or any that have been made available for all companies in your business by a System Administrator. Credentials that are already assigned to this position will be pre-selected.
- Once you have selected the required credentials, select the Add button to save.
Please Note - you can quickly go to your Credentials library in Company Settings to make any required updates by selecting the 'New' button.
Removing a credential assigned to a position
To remove a credential from a position:
- In the credentials section of a Position record, select the required credential.
- You can remove the credential using the minus ('-') option:
Please Note - if a credential has been attached to all positions and locked in company settings, it cannot be removed. Find out more about attaching credentials to all positions and locking them from removal here.