Invoice Types
The merge fields are applicable for the following invoice types. For each invoice type, the companies who act as the issuer and recipient are also provided for reference.
Invoice Type | Issuer | Recipient |
Agency to Host Invoice | Agency | Host |
Admin to Agency Invoice | Admin | Agency |
Merge Field | Description |
<<InvoiceDate>> | Date of the invoice |
<<InvoiceNumber>> | Invoice Number |
<<InvoiceDetails>> |
Inserts the invoice lines as a table with the following columns:
Example: |
<<InvoiceDetailsCustom>> |
Inserts the invoice lines as a table with the following columns removed:
<<InvoiceDueDate>> | Due date of the invoice |
<<InvoicePurchaseOrderNo>> | Invoice Purchase Order Number |
<<IssuedBy>> | Company name of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedByABN>> | ABN / company number of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedByBankDetails>> | Bank details of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedByEmail>> | Email address of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedByPhone>> | Phone number of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedByPhysicalAddress>> | Physical address of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedByPostalAddress>> | Postal address of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedByRegisteredName>> | Registered company name of the invoice issuer |
<<IssuedTo>> | Company name of the invoice recipient |
<<IssuedToABN>> | ABN / company number of the invoice recipient |
<<IssuedToPhysicalAddress>> | Physical address of the invoice recipient |
<<IssuedToPostalAddress>> | Postal address of the invoice recipient |
<<IssuedToRegisteredName>> | Registered company name of the invoice recipient |
<<Logo>> | Logo of the invoice issuer |
<<TotalExGST>> | Total value of the invoice excluding tax |
<<TotalInclGST>> | Total value of the invoice including tax |
<<GST>> | Total amount of tax for the invoice |
<<InvoiceContactEmail>> | Contact email address of the invoice recipient |
<<InvoiceContactName>> | Contact name of the invoice recipient |
<<InvoiceNotes>> | Invoice notes |
<<InvoiceOrCreditNote>> | Inserts “Invoice” or “Credit Note” depending on whether the total of the invoice is to be paid (positive) or or credited (negative) |
<<DefaultPaymentTerms>> |
The payment terms of the invoice, shown in the format of either: